Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Spread the word! A book by my friend Tim Clark

Hi everyone! My friend and co-worker Tim Clark has published his very first book!!! It is called Inspired Parenting: A Father's Ideas on Being a Dad.

It is a job defined as one of the most important jobs in the world. You can get it without any experience at all. Once you have the job, you have it for life and may never know if you have done it right. You do not have to get a doctorate to become one or seek advanced degrees to prepare for the various stages of parenting. In today’s world there are various parenting skills and techniques that we are exposed to and influenced to use in the rearing of our children. But do people really examine themselves as to where their parenting skills come from? Can they pinpoint the influences that have affected decisions in the way they have chosen to raise their children?

It is available on Amazon.com or directly from the publisher Publish America. Please spread the word and/or buy one.



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