Thursday, November 29, 2007

I hate hotel room TV

So I am traveling for work (AGAIN) and this week I am in Fresno, CA. Although the weather is warmer then it is in NJ this week, Fresno is not the most happening place. In fact I feel like it is the middle of no-where. Thank God I am going home tomorrow!

Anyway tonight I was all set to enjoy my newest guilty pleasure on TV - Gossip Girl. I love this show, it is a decent replacement for my The OC, Beverly Hills type tv that I think I may always be addicted to. So I turn on the TV and start going through all the channels and this fucking place does not have the CW. WTF is up with that? I must have gone through the channels over a dozen times just to make sure I was not missing it. They have like 3 ESPNs, 2 HBOs, TBS, TNT, TLC, HGTV, FOOD, Discovery, a million news channels and yet no CW how is that possible?

So needless to say I am slightly annoyed, that was to be the highlight of my boring day. At least my trusty DVR at home will be recording this episode for me so I will not miss this weeks installment. Thank God for DVR, i don't know how a TV junkie like me survived so long without. You gotta love technology.

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