Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Fake Reality TV

I hate fake reality TV, yet I watch it religiously. What is fake reality TV you ask? I would classify Laguna Beach on MTV http://www.mtv.com/onair/laguna_beach/season2/main.jhtml in this category. I love Laguna Beach, the actual town, I have been there a bunch of times and it is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. However, I was extremely disappointed with the Laguna Beach the series finale last night, because I did not get my drama fix. I WANT MORE! There just is not enough drama on this show to satisfy my appetite. They film this group of teenagers for eight months and then chop up clips to create this fake-ass story line that never goes anywhere. I get more satisfaction out of the Real World, The Apprentice, or Making the Band then this show, why is that? Sorry just wanted to vent :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do you watch the show is it disappoints you so? I personally love it, and even when it is not such a good episode, I can't get enough.