Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

As I sit back and reflect on the past year I can hardly believe it is 2006. I try to think what my biggest moment of the year was and not one thing jumps out at me. Life is pretty much the same which is good and bad. Most people think of major life-changing events as the things that matter. I'm not married (or anywhere close to it), I don't have kids, or a boyfriend, or a pet, so to some people on the outside my life is still the same. But I managed to finally pay off my credit-card debt, I got a new car, a new apartment by the beach, and a promotion at work. Those thing right there are significant accomplishments so why do I feel like nothing has changed? I guess I am brainwashed by a society that assumes that if you are over 30 and not married or on the way to being married nothing is going on in your life....

1 comment:

Rye Guy said...

I say screw society... and get a puppy... everyone loves a puppy... unless of course you end up with my puppy... then everyone fears a puppy, or at least what he'll leave on your bedroom floor.