So the last two seasons have been kind of a let down, I've posted my opinion before on how bad the show was becoming. That is until this final episode, they apparently killed off Marisa! THANK GOD...no offense but I hope she is really dead, I'm sick of her and her alcohol and drug addictions that last one week, she is always sitting on the beach feeling sorry for herself and dragging Ryan down.
Also supposedly the reason the show has been so bad was because the original creator and writer - Josh Schwartz stopped writing episodes and he saw the show going down hill and is now trying to save it by writing again - YES! Please bring back the greatness of Season 1!
For those that need a re-cap from the season finale this is the final scene:
As Ryan drives, Volchok rams his car from behind. He then pulls alongside and tries to run Ryan off the road. And he succeeds. Ryan barrels through a curve and over an embankment. The car rolls end over end down the hill, finally crashing on another road below. Coming back to his senses, Ryan crawls out of the car. Noticing gas pouring from the tank and a small fire, he grabs an unconscious Marissa and carries her free of the wreckage in a mirror from the time he found her in Tijuana. The car explodes and Ryan lays Marissa down on the pavement and rouses her. He tells her he's going to get help, but she begs him to stay. And then she dies.