Monday, May 08, 2006

Thanks to crystal meth!

Thanks to crystal meth, I can no longer by Claritin D after hours. This sucks, yesterday my allergies were killing me, but of course the pharmacy department at the store was closed. So now that you have to pick up a card and go to the pharmacy counter just to get some OTC medication and when you purchase it they enter your license and date of birth into their system. Now what I want to know is who in the FBI is responsible for tracking the number of medication a person is actually buying, if I keep buying Claritin two times a month, will the special drug unit be knocking on my door to see if I have a crystal meth lab in my apartment?

1 comment:

Rye Guy said...

Actually its more than 10 boxes a week and then they pinch you...

Um I mean that's what I heard.