Back in June 2005 my sister wanted me to create a t-shirt that said NJ: We Don't Pump, and at the time I thought that it was a cute unique thing people would want to represent their love for NJ. Now I think we want to wear this design to protest Corzine's attempt to remove the gas self-service ban. I for one do not want to have to pump my own gas, unless it is saving me a lot more then 5 or 6 cents a gallon. Come on people! Gas is cheaper here then in all the other states anyway, so I really do not think this is a valid theory he has. So people show your support for NJ and sitting in your car in the rain and snow while someone else pumps it for you!
You really do hate your new governor!! I would be upset too if New Jersey lost it place as a "we don't pump state"!! I so miss that, especially at night in the cold and rain.. Yuck!
Hehe, great t-shirt! I'm kind of on the fence with my NJ identity as the best years of my life were spent in NY and it's like having two different lives.
I have to say, living in NY I actually liked being able to choose if I pumped my own gas or used a full service lane/station. Sometimes I just don't want to deal with people and rather stick a card in a machine and be done with it. I felt really bad pulling into a full serv when it was so cold and snowy out that nobody should be working outside.
Then there's this question which has always plagued me... do you tip a gas station attendant? We tip all sorts of people doing they're job and these people are out there all day no matter how hot or cold it gets. Sometimes I feel like I should be tipping them and then there's this awkward conflict in my mind for a few moments while paying.
All that aside, I'd miss the nostalgia of one of the little quirks that makes our state different and I'd miss being able to tell people "they don't trust us to do it ourselves" when they question me about the law, hehehe.
Love the shirt and I really love the Mother's Day shirt, hahaha.
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