Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I have serious issues

ok, so it is 11:58 pm on Wednesday evening and when I should be in bed trying to sleep I'm up on the computer AGAIN. So last night I had another insomnia incident, I was so tired so I went to bed at 9:30 and guess what I could not fall asleep at all until like after midnight! and then of course I overslept and was late to work, AGAIN. WTF, this is insane I have issues. You know that commercial for the sleep medication where they say "can't turn off your restless mind?" that is me, I don't even know what the heck I'm thinking about. I have to be stressed and not realize it. So tonight I decided to take a different approach, I decided I would stay up until I can't take it anymore. So until i pass out on my keyboard I will sit and stalk... opps... i mean browse the internet.

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