Monday, April 03, 2006

Time change = insomnia

As if I don't have enough problems sleeping already we are suddenly hit with daylight savings time. Don't get me wrong I love the fact that it will still be light out at 7pm now, but it is a rough adjustment for me. Not only was it Monday we had to lose an hour yesterday, so even though I got into bed at 10pm watched Grey's Anatomy and feel asleep soon after 11pm while watching the Flavor of Love reunion special on VH1, I slept like shit. I woke up almost every hour, I don't know if I am sick of going to work, screwed up because of DST, or if I have another issue.
Here it is 11:40pm and I am still sitting on the computer, no wonder I can't sleep. I need to put my ass to bed now! Hopefully tonight will be much better for me.


Anonymous said...

Hi Alison, I had the same problems right after they changed the time and it has been two nights in a row already... The time change is the only thing I can relate it to.. Just wondering if you had any better luck with your sleep last night?

Alison said...

Not so bad so far this year, but it could be because I was in London and just got back Sunday night - they are 5 hours ahead and so far I am on schedule. :)